Asynchronous embed code

See how to embed a single video or a playlist

Embed video using asynchronous embed code

If you want to load the player asynchronously you can do so using our async embed code.
You can as well use player's JS API with this code.


<div id="DIV_ID" class="<<player_class>>" style="width:480; height:270;" > </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var _bp = _bp||[]; _bp.push({ "div": "DIV_ID", "obj": {"id":"PLAYER_ID","width":"480","height":"270","video":"VIDEO_ID"} }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" async src="//<<services_domain>>/player/build/<<player_script>>"></script>
Parameter nameDescription
DIV_IDid of the div element in which the player will be loaded. This is required and needs to be present on the page
PLAYER_IDid of the player which you want to use
VIDEO_IDid of the video which you want to display



When using async embed code, make sure to load the Targetvideo JS script after the embed code as this is required to enable proper player work.