Download SDK
Download SDK
When setting up a new project, make sure that in Info.plist
you add "App Transport Security Settings" and add "Allow Arbitrary Loads" and set boolean to YES. This SDK depends on GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK, so it will be setup through pods.
CocoaPods | - No SDK download is required. - Core and optional modules must be added to your app. - An existing app is required.GET STARTED with the CocoaPods approach |
Demo | - Brid SDK for iOS must be downloaded. - An existing app is required.GET STARTED with the Local approach |
Add SDK to an Xcode project
- Install CocoaPods and create a Podfile using CocoaPods
- At the Terminal prompt,
enter $ gem install cocoapods
to install CocoaPods. - Enter
$ cd <path-to-your-project>/<your-project>/
to navigate to your project directory. - Enter
$ pod init
to create a file named Podfile. Podfile defines the dependencies for your project. - Edit the Podfile
- In a text editor, open your Podfile.
- If you are using Objective-C, you can comment out "use_frameworks!".
- Add BridSDK as a dependency. To add a specific version of the SDK, be sure to use the proper Podfile syntax.
- Save your Podfile and close the text editor.
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '14.0'
target 'BridProject' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for BridProject
pod 'BridSDK'
pod 'google-cast-sdk'
pod 'PrebidMobile'
!!! Important: Add pods for google cast and prebid mobile like described above
Install the SDK
- At the terminal prompt of your project directory, enter
$ pod install
to install the Brid SDK for iOS. - Open the .xcworkspace file for your project to launch Xcode.
- You have retrieved your player license key and imported the Brid SDK for iOS into your project. You can now configure your project.
Request App Tracking Transparency authorization
Link to IMATracking Transparency authorization .
- In your project root find info.plist and add Privacy - Tracking Usage Description with yours customize String
The Brid SDK for iOS Open Source Demo is a basic demonstration app. In this Demo App it can be tested all methods of player and listening events.
Link to Brid Demo App.
Updated about 1 month ago
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