tvOS SDK API Reference

TargetVideo player public methods

/// Plays the current video.
public func playVideo()

/// Pauses the current video.
public func pauseVideo()

/// Mutes the video.
public func muteVideo()

/// Unmutes the video.
public func unMuteVideo()

/// Skips to the next video in the playlist.
public func nextVideo()

/// Goes back to the previous video in the playlist.
public func previousVideo()

/// Stops video playback.
public func stop()

/// Destroys the video player instance and releases associated resources.
public func destroy()

/// Hides the video thumbnail.
public func hideThumbnail()

/// Retrieves the current playback time of the video.
public func getCurrentTime()

/// Retrieves the index of the currently playing video in the playlist.
public func getCurrentIndex()

/// Retrieves the duration of the current video.
public func getDuration()

/// Retrieves the current playlist.
public func getPlaylist()

/// Retrieves the current video source URL or path.
public func getSource()

/// Retrieves the current video object being played.
public func getVideo()

/// Retrieves the current volume level of the video.
public func getVolume()

/// Plays a video by its index in the playlist.
public func playByIndex(_ index: Int)