Uploading content

Upload video options explained

Uploading content

Our system provides multiple ways for our users to upload their video content.
You can upload videos into Targetvideo using the below options:

  1. Upload video
  2. Import MRSS feed
  3. API

1. Upload video

The Upload video option allows users to upload their video content into the platform directly from their local machine. You can as well upload multiple files at once and track their progress. While a video is uploading, the user can edit video metadata like title, description, tags etc. Furthermore, this option also provides a handy input field where you can provide our system with a direct URL to a video file and we will fetch onto our servers with a click of a button.

2. Import MRSS feed

If you currently host your videos on a different platform and have access to MRSS feed you can easily import all of them into our platform using this option. You can choose whether you want files to be hosted on our end or keep them externally hosted.

3. API

We conveniently provide a backend API method which you can use to insert videos programmatically into your Targetvideo account using the /videos/add.json route. For more information, please see our API docs located here - https://developer.target-video.com/reference/videoadd


Upload size limits

The default upload file size limit is 5GB. If you need to upload larger files contact support@targetvideo.tv for an increase.