JavaScript API Reference
HTML5 Player JavaScript API method details
Player Initialization
Targetvideo Player can be configured differently depending of your requirements. To learn more about the player configuration please read our Player configuration reference guide.
$bp(div, options)
Initialize Targetvideo Player
Property | Description |
div string | (Required) The target div that Targetvideo Player will display in |
config string | (Required) Configuration object that will tell your player how to render itself |
Example Targetvideo player embed code:
$bp("myDiv", {
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<div id="myDiv" class="brid"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$bp("myDiv", {
List of embed code (config) parameters:
Parameter | Description |
id string | (Required) Unique ID that each player in Targetvideo platform has |
width string | (Required) Width of the player |
height string | (Required) Height of the player |
video string | (Required) Unique video ID in Targetvideo platform |
This call will remove a Targetvideo Player from the page. Player playback will be stopped, the DOM will be re-set to the original state and all event listeners and timers will be cleaned up. If another player is setup on the page after calling destroy() method all event listeners will need to be re-instantiated.
Attribute | Description |
delDiv bool | If you pass a true param to destroy method, the player will not remove the div HTML element in which it is being rendered. If left empty, the div HTML element in which it renders will be removed from the page. |
This call will check if the player is ready for API manipulation. Will return true or false depending on the player status.
$bp("myDiv", config, function(){
console.log('Am I ready?', this.isReady);
$bp('div', config, onReady)
This is the suggested method to check if a player is ready for API usage via a callback function.
Property | Description |
div string | (Required) The target div that Targetvideo Player will display in |
config string | (Required) Object that contains all required params to render a player |
onReady function | (Required) Callback function |
$bp("myDiv", config, function(){
console.log("I am ready!");
Event Listeners
Taxonomy Update
New taxonomy for binding event listeners is added. on, once, off are equivalent to add, addOnce, remove. Old taxonomy will be supported but will not be used in documentation or examples. We strongly recommend to switch to new taxonomy.
$bp().on('ready', listener)
Add your custom listener and bind it to the 'ready' event of the player.
Attribute | Description |
ready string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when ready event is dispatched from the player |
$bp().once('ready', listener)
Add your custom listener only once and bind it to the 'ready' event of the player.
$bp().off('ready', listener)
Remove your custom event listener from the players 'ready' event.
Here is an example of how to check if a Targetvideo player is ready for API usage - recommended callback example.
<script type="text/javascript">
function ready() {
// Insert code here to execute when player is ready for API usage
<div id="myDiv" class="<<player_class>>" style="width:640; height:360;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$bp("myDiv", config, ready);
<div id="myDiv" class="brid" style="width:640; height:360;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _bp = _bp||[]; _bp.push({
"div": "myDiv",
"obj": {"id":"PLAYER_ID","width":"640","height":"360","video":"VIDEO_ID"},
"onReady": function() {
// Insert code here to execute when player is ready for API usage
<div id="myDiv" class="brid" style="width:640; height:360;"></div>
// Here is an example of how to check if a **Brid outstream** unit
// is ready for API usage - async embed code example.
<script type="text/javascript">
var _bos = _bos||[];
"div": "myDiv",
"obj": {"id":"UNIT_ID","width":"640","height":"360"},
"onReady": function() {
// Insert code here to execute when player is ready for API usage
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Reference your Targetvideo player/outstream
Don't forget to add a reference to the Targetvideo player or Targetvideo Outstream JavaScript file somewhere before you start utilizing its API. Header section of the web page is recommended for synchronous embedding.
Player: using async embed code, you can put the reference to the JavaScript file right below the closing tag of your web page. Make sure to also add the "async" attribute to the JavaScript call so that the browser knows to call it in async mode.
These API calls are used to change the current playback state of the player.
This call will start video playback. Calling play()
while media is playing does nothing.
Browser Limitations
If you use custom code to start video playback and have ads enabled, on mobile browsers and the latest Chrome and Safari, you should dispatch a user interaction before calling the play method.
This call will pause video playback.
This call will stop the player and return the player to its initial state.
These API calls are used to change the playback volume of the player.
Device limitation
Setting volume will only work on desktop browsers, not on mobile devices.
This call will set a custom value for the player volume (values range from 0 to 1). Also returns current volume.
Attribute | Description |
volume float | Sets volume of the video element - valid range is between 0 and 1. |
Return | Description |
volume float | Returns the volume value. |
//Set volume to 15%
$bp("myDiv", configObj, function(){
Use as a true/false switch to mute the player and also returns the current mute state.
Attribute | Description |
muted bool | Sets or gets the current volume. |
Return | Description |
muted bool | Gets the current mute state. |
//Set video state to muted
$bp("myDiv", configObj, function(){
//Get video muted state
$bp("myDiv", configObj, function(){
var muted = this.muted();
Ad restrictions
Keep in mind that due to the current state of VPAID ad creatives, they can have sole control over how sound is being controlled depending on browser restrictions that are set. Due to this, our player does have custom mute handling built-in to force mute behaviors in certain conditions but due to the above, under certain circumstances (latency, lag, client machine etc.) a VPAID ad can force sound for a split-second until our custom mute handling kicks in. This is only true for autoplay-start muted implementations.
This call will return the current time.
Return | Description |
time float | Return current time of the playback or if an integer is passed will seek the player to that amount of seconds. |
//Will seek the player to the 25th second of the video.
This call will return the duration of the video.
Return | Description |
duration float | Returns the duration of the media element |
Returns an object that has the current running chapter number, name and start and end time of the current chapter. This method will return null if a video has no video chapters.
Attribute | Description |
chapter int | (Optional) Passing an integer to the method will seek the player to the start of the chapter. Chapter numbers start at 0 for the first chapter. |
Return | Description |
chapterInfo object | Current chapter object |
//Will seek the player to the start of the third chapter
This call will set the player to playback the video in HD (If video has an HD preset).
Attribure | Description |
toggle bool | (Require) Switch between HD and SD rendition of the media element. |
//Switch rendition to HD resolution
//Switch rendition back to SD resolution
This call will return true or false depending on if the currently playing video is playing an HD rendition or not.
Return | Description |
status bool | True/False if current media is playing a HD rendition. |
This call will set the selected video rendition quality inside the player.
Property | Description |
rendition string | Change the rendition of the media element. Limitations can apply depending of the Account Owners plan. See the below available values. |
Rendition source available values:
Video Source Abbervation | Source Description |
ld | Low definition video |
sd | Standard definition video |
hsd | High standard definition video |
fhd | Full high definition video |
hd | High definition video |
For more details about video sources and available renditions you can find in our Zendesk section.
$bp().on('qualityChange', listener)
$bp().once('qualityChange', listener)
$bp().off('qualityChange', listener)
The qualitychange event is fired from the player whenever a player switches the video rendition used for playback.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - qualityChange. |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('start', listener)
$bp().once('start', listener)
$bp().off('start', listener)
The start event is fired from the player when a video starts playing back first time.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('start', function(){
console.log('Video started!');
$bp().on('beforeStart', listener)
$bp().once('beforeStart', listener)
$bp().off('beforeStart', listener)
The beforeStart event is fired from the player right before an ad starts playback or before a video starts playback if no ad exists.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('beforeStart', function(){
console.log('Before video started!');
$bp().on('play', listener)
$bp().once('play', listener)
$bp().off('play', listener)
The play event is fired from the player whenever the video is in a played state.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('play', function(){
console.log('Play video!');
$bp().on('pause', listener)
$bp().once('pause', listener)
$bp().off('pause', listener)
The pause event is fired from the player whenever the video is in a paused state.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('pause', function(){
console.log('Pause video!');
$bp().on('ended', listener)
$bp().once('ended', listener)
$bp().off('ended', listener)
The ended event is fired from the player whenever the video has finished playback.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('ended', function(){
console.log('Video ended!');
$bp().on('stopped', listener)
$bp().once('stopped', listener)
$bp().off('stopped', listener)
The stopped event is fired from the player whenever the player is forcefull stopped. This can only be done via an API call.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('stopped', function(){
console.log('Video stopped!');
$bp().on('lastSecond', listener)
$bp().once('lastSecond', listener)
$bp().off('lastSecond', listener)
The lastSecond event is fired from the player whenever a video in the player reaches its last second of playback.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('lastSecond', function(){
console.log('Last second of the video!');
$bp().on('playbackerror', listener)
$bp().once('playbackerror', listener)
$bp().off('playbackerror', listener)
This event is fired from the player when a video errors out for any reason.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('playbackerror', function(){
console.log('Video playback error!');
$bp().on('clickedThrough', listener)
$bp().once('clickedThrough', listener)
$bp().off('clickedThrough', listener)
This event is fired from the player whenever the user clicks on a video.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('clickedThrough', function(){
console.log('Video was clicked.');
$bp().on('livestreamstopped', listener)
$bp().once('livestreamstopped', listener)
$bp().off('livestreamstopped', listener)
This event is fired from the player whenever a live stream is not running for any reason.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('livestreamstopped', function(){
console.log('A livestream has stopped working.');
$bp().on('destroyBefore', listener)
$bp().once('destroyBefore', listener)
$bp().off('destroyBefore', listener)
This event is triggered by the player just before the destroy method is called, which will remove a Brid Player from the page. This functionality is particularly handy for outstream players, as the player will not be displayed unless a valid ad is returned.
Parameter | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
var impression = false;
this.add("adImpression", function() {
impression = true;
this.add("destroyBefore", function() {
if (!impression) {
// outstream closed no impression fired
This call will set a custom video source via a String
or Object
Here's a small subset of accepted values that you can use to set a custom playlist.
Parameter | Description |
source string|object | (Required) Provide source URL or object defined as in below format. |
object details:
Property | Description |
src string | Direct URL to media file |
title string | The title of the playlist item |
description string | The description of the playlist item |
monetize bool | Monetization state of playlist item |
needs to be wrapped into a ready callback.
$bp("myDiv", config, function(){
"src" : "",
"title" : "Test video title",
"monetize" : false
This call will load a custom playlist of videos via a direct URL to a JSON playlist file.
Property | Description |
source string | (Required) Direct URL to media file |
This call will return the URL to the video that is currently playing.
Return | Description |
URL string | URL to the media element. |
Get the number of videos in a playlist.
Return | Description |
items int | Number of videos in a playlist. |
This call will playback the next video in a playlist.
This call will playback the previous video in a playlist.
This call will playback the n-th video in a playlist. Index starts at 0.
Property | Description |
index int | (Required) Index of the playlist. Index starts at 0. |
Get the index of the video file that is currently playing in a playlist.
Return | Description |
index int | Current index in the playlist |
//0 - first item in playlist
$bp().on('playlistStart', listener)
$bp().once('playlistStart', listener)
$bp().off('playlistStart', listener)
The playlistStart event is fired from the player whenever a playlist starts playback.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
callback function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('skipped', listener)
$bp().once('skipped', listener)
$bp().off('skipped', listener)
The skipped event is fired from the player whenever the previous or next buttons in the player are called or the player goes automatically to the next video in your playlist.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
callback function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('playlistComplete', listener)
$bp().once('playlistComplete', listener)
$bp().off('playlistComplete', listener)
The playlistComplete event is fired from the player when a playlist finishes playback.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
callback function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
These API calls are used to the current status of the players progress bar.
$bp().on('timeupdate', listener)
$bp().once('timeupdate', listener)
$bp().off('timeupdate', listener)
The timeupdate event is fired from the player whenever a time update occurs in the player. Frequency depends on browser.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
callback function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('progress', listener)
$bp().once('progress', listener)
$bp().off('progress', listener)
The progress event is fired from the player whenever a player is buffering your video content. Frequency depends on browser.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
callback function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('seeked', listener)
$bp().once('seeked', listener)
$bp().off('seeked', listener)
The seeked event is fired from the player whenever a user seeks on the players timeline.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event |
callback function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
These API calls provide check various states an ad can have inside the Targetvideo player.
The adSkip and adComplete events in this category provide two additional params that give you information about the ad pod and ad waterfall position.
$bp().on('adComplete', function(e){
//adComplete {wp: 1, pod: 0, pods: 2}
Sample response (
{wp: 1, pod: 0, pods: 2}
Property | Description |
wp integer | Waterfall position |
pod integer | Current pod position of ad |
pods integer | Number of pods set on the player level |
$bp().on('requestAd', listener)
$bp().once('requestAd', listener)
$bp().off('requestAd', listener)
The requestAd event is fired from the player whenever an ad request is made.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - requestAd |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp(div).on('AdsManagerLoadedEvent', listener)
$bp(div).once('AdsManagerLoadedEvent', listener)
$bp(div).off('AdsManagerLoadedEvent', listener)
The AdsManagerLoadedEvent event is fired from the player whenever Google IMA SDK fires their AdsManagerLoadedEvent event.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - AdsManagerLoadedEvent |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('bidWon', listener)
$bp().once('bidWon', listener)
$bp().off('bidWon', listener)
The bidWon event is fired from the player whenever Prebid returns a winning bid.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - bidWon |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adStart', listener)
$bp().once('adStart', listener)
$bp().off('adStart', listener)
The adStart event is fired from the player whenever an ad begins playback.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adStart |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('vpaidStart', listener)
$bp().once('vpaidStart', listener)
$bp().off('vpaidStart', listener)
The vpaidStart event is fired from the player whenever a VPAID ad begins playback. You can use this event to differentiate between a VPAID ad and a normal VAST ad.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - vpaidStart |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adImpression', listener)
$bp().once('adImpression', listener)
$bp().off('adImpression', listener)
The adImpression event is fired from the player whenever an ad is prepared to be played back and it's impression pixel(s) gets fired.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - vpaidStart |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adFirstQuartile', listener)
$bp().once('adFirstQuartile', listener)
$bp().off('adFirstQuartile', listener)
The adFirstQuartile event is fired from the player whenever 25% of an ad has been viewed.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adFirstQuartile |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adMidpoint', listener)
$bp().once('adMidpoint', listener)
$bp().off('adMidpoint', listener)
The adMidpoint event is fired from the player whenever 50% of an ad has been viewed.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adMidpoint |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adThirdQuartile', listener)
$bp().once('adThirdQuartile', listener)
$bp().off('adThirdQuartile', listener)
The adThirdQuartile event is fired from the player whenever 75% of an ad has been viewed.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adThirdQuartile |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adEnd', listener)
$bp().once('adEnd', listener)
$bp().off('adEnd', listener)
The adEnd event is fired from the player whenever an ad call process is done from start to finish. This does not necessarily mean that an ad will playback. This event fires once a complete ad cycle is completed no matter if an ad displays or not.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adThirdQuartile |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adComplete', listener)
$bp().once('adComplete', listener)
$bp().off('adComplete', listener)
The adComplete event is fired from the player whenever an ad finishes playback.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adComplete |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adSkip', listener)
$bp().once('adSkip', listener)
$bp().off('adSkip', listener)
The adSkip event is fired from the player whenever a user clicks on the "SKIP AD" button inside the player for ads that are set to be skippable.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adSkip |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adError', listener)
$bp().once('adError', listener)
$bp().off('adError', listener)
The adError event is fired from the player whenever an ad errors out for any reason.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adError |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
See below code example on how to get additional information about the ad error like the ad error code and small description of the error.
!!! See below code example on how to get additional information about the ad error like the ad error code and small description of the error.
$bp().add('adError', function(e) {
$bp().on('adPause', listener)
$bp().once('adPause', listener)
$bp().off('adPause', listener)
The adPause event is fired from the player whenever an ad is paused.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adPause |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adResume', listener)
$bp().once('adResume', listener)
$bp().off('adResume', listener)
The adResume event is fired from the player whenever an ad has resumed playback after being paused.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adResume |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('adClicked', listener)
$bp().once('adClicked', listener)
$bp().off('adClicked', listener)
The adClicked event is fired from the player whenever a user clicks on an ad.
Property | |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - adClicked |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
The following advertising events ('adStarted', 'adError' and 'adImpression') have additional data associated with them with which you can get the response of the XML template itself. In case of redirects, the last template in the array will be returned as a result. **This callback is only possible if you use our in-house Targetvideo ad parser. Google IMA SDK is not supported.
$bp().on(['adStarted','adError','adImpression'], function(e) {
console.log('ad event', e.type, 'xml', $bp().values.lastVASTXML);
$bp().setAd(ad, prepend, level)
Set a custom ad for the player to playback.
Property | Description |
ad JSON object | (Required) Define ad object to be added to the waterfall stack. Ad object is described below. |
prepend bool | Prepend ad object to the waterfall. true will add it to the beginning of the waterfall, false will add it to the end of the waterfall stack. By default ad will be appended to the stack. |
level string | Ad object will be added on player or video level. Possible values: video or player . player is a default value. |
Ad object:
Property | Description |
adType int | (Required) 0 - pre roll, 1 - mid roll, 2 - post roll, 3 - overlay |
adTimeType string | (Required) s - seconds% - percentage used for mid rolls and overlays |
mobile array | (Required) Array of URL's to ad tags that will be called on both desktop/mobile devices if desktop property is not set. If desktop property is present then ad tags from mobile property will be called on mobile devices only. |
desktop array | Array of URL's to ad tags that will be called on desktop devices only. |
All ads that get set on a video level will override any setting set up on the player level.
"adType":"0", //pre-roll
"adTimeType": "s",
"adTagUrl" : ["https://adtag-url-1","https://adtag-url-2"]
This call will playback an ad on command.
You can pass an Ad object the same way as explained above or a direct URL to a valid VAST ad tag.
Property | Description |
ad int | (Required) JSON object as described above or direct URL to a valid VAST ad tag. |
This method will call preroll ads defined for the player used whenever it is called during the video content playback.
This call returns true or false depending on if an ad or video content is playing.
Return | Description |
adInProgress bool | true if ad is in progress. |
Other various events and API calls that you might find useful.
Use this method to set the player to go into fullscreen mode.
This call returns true or false depending on if the player is in fullscreen or not.
Return | Description |
isFullScreen bool | true if video element is in full screen mode. |
This call returns true or false depending on if the player is 50% in view or not.
Use this call to change the players skin using the unique ID that each Targetvideo skin has.
Property | Description |
id int | (Required) ID of the skin from Targetvideo platform. For more details about the valid values checkout the Targetvideo Platform API. |
$bp().resize(width, height)
With this call you can dynamically resize the player.
Property | Description |
width int | (Required) Width of the player |
height int | (Required) Height of the player |
$bp().resize(16, 9);
$bp().GoogleAnalytics.fireCustom("Targetvideo-Video", "custom_event_action")
Use this method to fire a custom Google Analytics event from the player with a custom event action.
object is available only when wrapped in ready callback.
$bp("myDiv", config, function(){
$bp().GoogleAnalytics.fireCustom("Company-Video", "custom_event_action")
Use this method to get current video title.
Use this method to get current video tags.
$bp().on('loadedmetadata', listener)
$bp().once('loadedmetadata', listener)
$bp().off('loadedmetadata', listener)
The loadedmetadata
event is fired from the player whenever the entire video metadata has been loaded.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - loadedmetadata |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('fullscreenchange', listener)
$bp().once('fullscreenchange', listener)
$bp().off('fullscreenchange', listener)
The fullscreenchange
event is fired from the player whenever the fullscreen button has been called.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - fullscreenchange |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('playerresize', listener)
$bp().once('playerresize', listener)
$bp().off('playerresize', listener)
The playerresize
event is fired whenever a player is resized.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - playerresize |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('volumechange', listener)
$bp().once('volumechange', listener)
$bp().off('volumechange', listener)
The volumechange
event is fired whenever the player volume is changed.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - volumechange |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('mutechange', listener)
$bp().once('mutechange', listener)
$bp().off('mutechange', listener)
The mutechange
event is fired whenever the players mute status is changed.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - volumechange |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('mutechange', function(e){
$bp().on('stickyChange', listener)
$bp().once('stickyChange', listener)
$bp().off('stickyChange', listener)
The stickyChange
event is fired from the player whenever the a player goes to sticky or get's un-stickied.
Property | Description |
event string | (Required) Name of the event - stickyChange |
listener function | (Required) Function which will be called when the event fires |
$bp().on('stickyChange', function(e){
console.log('stickyChange event',;
$bp().on('stickyChange', function(e){
console.log('stickyChange event',;
if (! && {
console.log('closed on X button click!');
}); explained: | Description |
sticky bool | Will be true or false depending on the player position |
interaction bool | Will return true if there was a user interaction |
Updated 10 months ago